Radio Lacan
The World Association of Psychoanalysis' Radio.

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E10. Extimacy of Unconscious Desire.
By Laure Naveau.
Established by Serena Guttadauro.
E6. Aspects of Sublimation.
By Jean-Luc Monnier.
Established by Serena Guttadauro.
By Dalila Arpin.
Presentation: Xavier Giner.
Established by Raquel García Ferrer and Lorena Oberlin.
By Ángel Sanabria, Luz Elena Gaviria, Gabriela Urriolagoitia, Jessica Jara, Javier Bacca.
Established by Carolina Vignoli and Cristopher Tapia.
By Andrea Gravano, Loretta Biondi, Giampaolo D'Errico, Susana Liberatore, Silvia Morrone, Eleonora Renna, Omar Battisti, Anna Castallo and Victoria Vicente.
Translation on: Maria Laura Tkach.
Established by Sylwia Dzienisz, Rachele Giuntoli, Susana Liberatore, Florencia Medici, Manuela Simone.

Pierre Naveau