EOL- “Colloquim on Jacques-Alain Miller's, Responses of the Real".
On Saturday the 4th of May 2024 we attended the organisation of the Colloquium on the last published course by Jacques-Aain Miller: "Responses of the Real". In it we can to find the construction of binomials to examine the real with knowledge, with the subject, and with truth, among other important conceptual developments.
On this occasion, the speakers were Silvia Tendlarz, member of the EOL Statutory Council, Ricardo Seldes, member of the EOL Statutory Council, Leonardo Gorostiza EOL, Adriana Laión, President of the EOL Statutory Council and Marisol Gutiérrez, Director of the EOL La Plata Section.
The activity was presented by Nicolás Bousoño, Director of the EOL and opened by Silvia Tendlarz.