ECF- The Campus of l'École de la Cause Freudienne, Open Teachings 2022-2023: "Psychoanalytic Knowledge in the Open".
The Campus of l l'École de la Cause Freudienne brings together a vast array of teachings. Under the direction of Éric Zuliani and with Anaëlle Lebovits-Quenehen as general secretary, the Campus welcomes all those who are interested, whatever their age, status, level of study or taste for knowledge. Every evening, every week, all year round: a teaching by practitioners, and members of the School, who put a psychoanalytic concept to work with the aim of making known the vitality of Lacanian psychoanalysis, both in clinical practice and in the way psychoanalysts are involved in current debates. The full programme of these courses can be found on the ECF website (www.causefreudienne.org). Everyone, from all over France or from all the countries of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, can subscribe to follow a teaching by videoconference or free access by traveling to the ECF's premises throughout the year. Radio Lacan is pleased to broadcast a course on each subject, with the agreement of each teacher.