Conference in Ajaccio, Corsica:"What is the Use of Learning?"
On June 18th Philippe Lacadée gave conference in in Ajaccio, Corsica entitled "What is the use of learning?". The theme of the conference is part of the preparatory work towards the next Study-days of the ECF, whose theme announced is "Learning, Desire or Training". The conference was jointly organized by the CAPE (Collectif Auteurs et Praticiens de l'Enfance) and the ACF-Restonica (Corsica). We also publish the fictional dialogue-banquet which took place immediately after the conference, in which Philippe Lacadée "speaks with" Arthur Rimbaud, Sigmund Freud, Paul Valéry, Stéphan Zweig and other figures of the culture that the author regularly convenes in his publications.
Episode 1

By Philippe Lacadée
Established by: Nicolás Landriscini
47:35 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 18.06.2017
Episode 2

By Philippe Lacadée
Established by: Nicolás Landriscini
16:36 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 18.06.2017
Pierre Naveau