XIVth EBP Members' Conference. Psychoanalysis: The aims, the principles, and the means
The XIVth Congress of Members of the EBP, held on 23rd-24th April 2020, was devoted to the discussion of analytic practice. Crossed by the reality of an unprecedented health care crisis, we were asked to ask ourselves, how to sustain clinical, epistemic, and political experience, given the absence of bodies, and the presence of the analyst through virtual media? How to sustain the cause, without trivialising or degrading it? Guided by this question, the analytic community of the EBP proposed to focus on the theme Psychoanalysis: aims, principles, and means, and from there to draw a savoir-faire about these new times.

1. EBP- Opening XIVth Congress of members of the EBP


We present the Introduction to the 14th EBP Members' Congress, which took place on 23rd-24th April 2021. It was given by Angelina Harari, President of the WAP, and Heloisa Calda, President of the EBP Council (March 2020 - April 2021). It addressed the vicissitudes of the psychoanalyst's practice where virtual sessions have become an emergency instrument, and the effects that this brought about, of disconnection and new connections with the real, symbolic and imaginary. Angelina Harari paid tribute to the 40th anniversary of Lacan's death, offering, in addition to a passage through history, updates and guidance on ongoing events, programmes and projects of the WAP.

Episode 1
13:00 minutes | Audio in Portuguese | Recorded 23.04.2021
Episode 2
4:30 minutes | Audio in Portuguese | Recorded 23.04.2021

2. EBP- XIVth Congress of Members of the EBP.


We present here the plenary session of the XIV EBP Members' Congress "Psychoanalysis: Aims, Principles and Means" which took place on 23rd-24th April 2021. Gisella Sette Lopes took the analytical experience as a guiding thread, facing the reality that comes to us today and the practice in its purpose. Marcus André, approached the subject from Lacan’s tripartition of the treatment: strategy, tactics and politics, in which Lacan places interpretation, the analytic session being the battlefield, and tells us that this is under the politics of the desire of the analyst.

Episode 3
The Real that Affects us Today and the Practice in its Aims
By Gisella Sette Lopes
Comment: Bernardino Horne; Moderator: Paula Borsói; Established by: Vanda Almeida
8:21 minutes | Audio in Portuguese | Recorded 23.04.2021
Episode 4
Online, Offline, Some Notes
By Marcus André Vieira
Comment: Bernardino Horne; Moderator: Paula Borsói; Established by: Vanda Almeida
9:38 minutes | Audio in Portuguese | Recorded 24.04.2021
Episode 5
By Bernardino Horne
Established by: Vanda Almeida
11:06 minutes | Audio in Portuguese | Recorded 23.04.2021

3. EBP Guarantee Commission. XIVth Congress of Members' of the EBP. Psychoanalysis: Ends, Principles and Means.


In this new edition of Radio Lacan, we present the highlights of the XIV Congress of the Members of the EBP, which took place between 22nd and 23rd April 2021. The conference of Maria do Carmo Dias Batista, member of the Commission of Guarantee of the EBP, with Elisa Alvarenga, who coordinated the table. This commission is composed of six AMSs and the Director of the EBP. Her lecture dealt with the current issue of the Guarantee Commission, listing three current points of discussion: the presence of the Director of the School in the Guarantee Commission; the practice of Validation by WAP; the analytic nomination. It is an important transmission and clarification addressed to the whole community of analysts, her exposition and report is a relevant contribution regarding the clinical, political and epistemic tripartition, determining factors in the existence of psychoanalysis in the world.

Episode 6
Guarantee Commission Updates
By Maria do Carmo Dias Batista
Coordinate: Elisa Alvarenga; Established by: Vanda Almeida
14:16 minutes | Audio in Portuguese | Recorded 23.04.2021
Pierre Naveau