Psychoanalysis and music
Pascal Dusapin: Flow, trace, time, unconscious
By Valentine Dechambre, Marie Faucher, Nicolas Dufétel, Joséphine Héau and Dominique Fraboulet
It was around the work of the French composer of contemporary music Pascal Dusapin * that the Angers ACF Val de Loire-Bretagne office organized an afternoon to explore the link between psychoanalysis and music. The tonality was set from the beginning: for Lacan, art is not a formation of the unconscious; as a result, art is not interpreted. A strict reading of a testimony of artistic creation which is surprising.
Valentine Dechambre is a psychoanalyst in Clermont-Ferrand, member of the ECF and the WAP. Teacher of the Atelier of Introduction to Psychoanalysis at the Clinical Section in Clermont-Ferrand
Marie Foucher is a musicologist.
Nicolas Duffietel is a musicologist from the Angers Conservatory. Joséphine Héau is a double bass player
* Pascal Dusapin is a composer of contemporary music and photographer. Author of the book: "Une musique in train de se faire", excerpted from his Chair of artistic creation at the Collège de France.