Presentation of Colophon 34: "Money: the Lacanian subversion"
In synergy with the Foundation of the Freudian field, - international network of those who are devoted to the study, the dissemination and practice of psychoanalysis in reference to Jacques Lacan's teaching and "the return to Freud" which he promoted-; the International Federation of Lacanian Orientation Libraries of the Freudian Field (FIBOL) - created in 1990-, encourages the setting up of psychoanalytic libraries and related disciplines, and also promotes exchanges between them.
Colophon is their newsletter. In this 34ª edition, the sensitive issue of money is their most interesting proposal. Maria Cristina Giraldo is a Psychoanalyst. Member of the World Association of Psychoanalysis and of the New Lacanian School (NEL-Medellin). She is coordinator of the Editorial Board of Colophon.