Interview with Gustavo Dessal on the book "The return of the pendulum"
Adolfo Santamaría interviewed Gustavo Dessal at the Library of Lacanian Orientation in Valencia (Spain). In his words Dessal shows the drive of a determined worker, who has maintained an epistolary correspondence with Zygmut Bauman, referred as a master, and whose contributions to social theory, he emphasizes, by a substantive critique of the social evolution in the 21st century. In his words, he summarizes the survival of the analytical discourse as a way of "reading" of the time in which we live; and, in a dialogue governed by the desire of knowing, he uncovers references that guide the work of Bauman, incomprehensible without Freud’s legacy.
Gustavo Dessal is a psychoanalyst and writer, AME (Analyst member of the School); member of the ELP and the WAP.
He is a teacher of the NUCEP. He has published numerous articles on psychoanalysis, in addition to several fiction books.
Adolfo Santamaría is a psychoanalyst in Valencia, -Spain-, a member of the ELP and the WAP. He is Director of BOLV.