ECF- The ECF Campus 2024-2025

The Campus de l'École de la Cause freudienne, which brings together the ECF's courses, welcomes all participants interested in psychoanalysis, whatever their age, status or level of studies.

Every evening, every week, throughout the year, the practitioners who are members of the School elaborate their research for as many people as possible through the study of a psychoanalytic concept. In this way, they show the impact of Lacanian psychoanalysis in clinical practice and shed new light on the so-called social debates which are also knots of discourse constituting the malaise in civilisation.

The themes are conducive to demonstrating that the experience of an analysis is a way of not giving up in the face of the growing impasses of our societies. Among other topics, the themes addressed will include the drive, the object a, the symptom, jouissance, sublimation, the real, truth, ethics, the superego, and desire. This year, the Campus also offers two introductory courses on psychoanalysis: one on the intimacy of unconscious desire, and the other on the clinic of the child in psychoanalysis.

By following these courses, free from university obligations, you can choose to participate in a professor's research and contribute to it by proposing a paper, the form of which will be defined with the professor: oral presentation, written paper, participation in the preparation of a bibliography, etc.

The ECF Campus can be attended in different ways. Each course is open and freely accessible to all those who come to follow it on ECF premises. Moreover, throughout France and from anywhere in the world, it is possible to register to follow a course by videoconference during the year.

Thanks to Radio Lacan, you can listen to the first class of each course free of charge.



Episode 1
E 11. Certainty and Responsibility
By Yves-Claude Stavy
The programme throughout the year proposes to explore these two terms - certainty and responsibility - from an epistemological and clinical point of view, starting from "The un-heard-of of real that iterates". Yves-Claude Stavy will draw on Freud and Lacan's precise distinction between certainty, belief, unbelief and conviction.
To examine a crucial observation : a gulf separates the category of certainty and that of the experienced, incurable, from that which is nevertheless managed to sift in the personal experience of an analysis brought to its conclusion. We will also differentiate : the analyst's stake in the analysand-analyst couple and from where the analyst makes his or her reading of the case of the person who comes to him or her.
108:54 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 01.10.2024
Episode 2
E5. The true and the false analytical act
By Philippe Hellebois
Starting from Seminar XV, "The Psychoanalytic Act", this year Philippe Hellebois will bring out the dimension of traversal that inaugurates the act, "between separation and rebirth". Following the teaching of Freud and Lacan, he invites us to explore the different levels of the act, underlining the unprecedented nature of the analytic experience, which remains inseparable from the inaugural act of the analyst.
83:56 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 01.10.2024
Episode 3
E7. Ethics Today
By Bénédicte Jullien
How to find a compass in contemporary society, where the capitalist discourse tends to annul and erase the place of the subject? Bénédicte Jullien sets out to explore this highly topical dimension, through the prism of psychoanalytic ethics, and what it teaches us about subjective responsibility and the individual responses that analysis can bring.
104:29 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 01.10.2024
Episode 4
E12. The Clinic of the Child in Psychoanalysis
By Yves Vanderveken
Faced with the new symptomatic forms with which the child responds to the coordinates of his time, Yves Vanderveken argues that it is necessary to restore and update the clinic of the child, as the subject of the unconscious. He proposes to study the concepts coined by Freud and Lacan in reference to the child, to the field of childhood and to the logic of the different forms of the advent of the subject, aiming at an argiomento, a return to these fundamental concepts.
82:36 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 01.10.2024
Episode 5
E2. The Word as an Oral Object
By Isabelle Orrado
Starting from Seminar XI and Lacan's questioning of drive satisfaction, Isabelle Orrado will review psychoanalytic teaching from the notion of the oral drive and its "indifferent" object, as Freud had already pointed out. The course will explore this place of intertwining between oral and vocal drives in its multiple clinical variants, from neurosis to psychosis.
113:50 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 01.10.2024
Episode 6
E3. The Symptom, from Decoding to Jouissance.
By Laura Vigué

Concerning hysterical symptoms, Freud observes that in one patient, pain provoked by stimuli generates an expression of satisfaction, which underlines a contradiction: it is necessary to be very disturbed by her symptom in order to begin an analysis. Lacan forges the term 'jouissance' to account for this contradiction, defining it as something that surpasses pleasure. Although Lacan initially defined the symptom as a language to be deciphered, he proposes that the symptom as jouissance and the symptom to be deciphered are not opposed, but reveal an immixion of jouissance in the symbolic, thus demonstrating a paradigm shift in Lacan. The 7 lessons of the year will try to sift through this shift.

Mondays at 21:00 (Paris): 07/10, 2/12, 13/01, 10/02, 17/03, 19/05, 16/06.

Videoconference subscription => 80 euros per year (7 lessons)

Online ticket sales =>

67:51 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 26.11.2024
Episode 7
E4. Theory of the End of Analysis.
By Dominique Holvoet

Can a theory of the ends of analysis be extracted? This is the question that Dominique Holvoet proposes to address. Indeed, where Freud sees an impasse, the irreducible rock of the castration complex, Lacan proposes a passage of a logical order: the crossing of the fantasy to lead to the identification of the symptom. Where Freud saw disturbing symptomatic remnants, Lacan positivised them in the sinthome, a point of support for living the drive after analysis. This course will unfold the work of Jacques-Alain Miller in deciphering this question.

Tuesdays at 21:00hs (Paris) : (24/09 cancelled, to be rescheduled), 15/10, 26/11, 14/01, 11/02, 18/03, 13/05.

Videoconference subscription => 80 euros per year (7 lessons)

Online ticket sales =>

66:42 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 26.11.2024
Episode 8
E8. Destinies and Uses of the Smptom.
By Monique Amirault

Freud's discovery revealed the enigmatic side of the symptom, the bearer of a hidden truth, which psychoanalysis allows the subject to discover. Between meaning and satisfaction, Freud interprets resistances, repetitions and displacements. The exploration of what makes the "root of humanity", irreducible as a consequence of the absence of sexual relation, allows us to explore in this course, the adventure that led Freud and then Lacan to clarify the singular uses of the symptom. At a time when subjective suffering is viewed through the prism of dysfunction, disorder or antisocial phenomena, psychoanalysis preserves the dignity of this malaise by restoring the place of the word and its signifying articulation.

Wednesdays at 21:00hs (Paris) : 09/10, 20/11, 15/01, 19/03, 09/04, 21/05, 18/06.

Videoconference subscription => 80 euros per year (7 lessons)

Online ticket sales =>

96:38 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 26.11.2024
Episode 9
E9. Is the Superego Demonic?
By Adriana Campos

From the beginning of his teaching, Lacan has insisted on the senseless and capricious character of the superego, going beyond what Freud had identified in this psychic instance, which is the bearer of law and culture through language. In 1977 Lacan went further, attributing to the superego a demonic force, an adjective introduced by Freud himself. Throughout the year, the course proposes to interrogate the questions that arise when we speak of the superego, as well as its destiny in the course of an analysis.

Wednesdays at 9 pm (Paris): 16/10, 27/11, 18/12, 29/01, 12/03, 28/05, 11/06.

Videoconference subscription => 80 euros per year (7 lessons)

Online ticket sales =>

61:49 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 26.11.2024
Episode 10
E1. Life and Death Drive in Adolescence.
By Corinne Rezki

Corinne Rezki proposes to take as a working axis the drive, the fundamental concept of Lacan's Seminar XI. Throughout the year, her course will allow us to retrace the genesis of this concept, from Freud and the notion of the death drive to the symptoms of modernity, passing through Lacan's concept of the real, which opens up a certain elucidation of the relationship between drive and jouissance. The function of the analyst, as the vital place of analytic work, will also be addressed.

Mondays at 21:00hs (Paris) : 04/11, 20/01, 03/03, 24/03, 12/05, 02/06, 30/06.

Videoconference subscription => 80 euros per year (7 lessons)

Online ticket sales =>

69:03 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 26.11.2024
Episode 11
E10. Extimacy of Unconscious Desire
By Laure Naveau

This course underlines the topicality of Lacan's algebra and logic in order to understand the journey of a subject in analysis. It explores the concept of desire, its origin, its obscure object (the object a), and its link with the Other, as well as the role of the fantasy that hides the lack. It will be questioned how guilt, for having given in to desire, can be a starting point for initiating an analysis. Moreover, if man's desire is, in essence, the desire of the Other, by traversing signifiers and confronting incompleteness, the subject can find a desiring way out. The structure of the graph of desire is proposed as a guide to approach this "mischievous sprite" that is desire. Guest speakers will offer their perspectives on specific aspects of this journey.

Wednesdays at 21:00hs (Paris time) : 04/12, 08/01, 05/02, 05/03, 02/04, 07/05, 04/06.

Videoconference subscription => 80 euros per year (7 classes)

Online ticket sales =>

64:08 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 10.12.2024
Episode 12
E6. Aspects of Sublimation
By Jean-Luc Monnier

Jean Luc Monnier proposes to reconsider sublimation in the light of Lacan's last teaching, in order to measure its renewed scope, orienting himself on the basis of Jacques-Alain Miller's quote: "the escabeau is sublimation, but in so far as it is founded on the first I’m not thinking of the parlêtre". The courtly novel, Franz Kafka, Bacon and his painting among others, will serve as a support to extract the doctrinal and clinical operativity of sublimation in its relation to jouissance, especially to feminine jouissance, as well as to the end of analysis, in its link to the body and the sinthome.

Tuesdays at 9pm (Paris time) : 19/11, 10/12, 21/01, 11/03, 08/04, 20/05, 10/06.

Videoconference subscription => 80 euros per year (7 classes)

Online ticket sales =>

77:20 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 10.12.2024
Pierre Naveau