Conversation on Scilicet. Evening organized by the ACF-IdF and L'envers de Paris Towards the Xth Congress of the WAP
Participants: Pierre-Ludovic Lavoine, Camilo Ramírez, Esthela Solano Suárez, Jean-Luc Monnier, Marie-Hélène and Pierre-Gilles Roch Guéguen. On February 6th 2016 the ACF-Ile de France and L'envers of Paris organized a preparatory evening towards the Xth Congress of the WAP "The Speaking Body. On the Unconscious in the 21st Century" Pierre-Ludovic Lavoine and Camilo Ramirez, directors of both associations received Esthela Solano Suárez and Jean-Luc Monnier, who from their contributions to the volume Scilicet developed in detail the following themes: "Un-corps" and "Exhibition", Marie-Hélène Roch, director of the French version of the Scilicet introduced the evening. Pierre-Gilles Guéguen provided commentary and discussion with the authors.
Episode 1
8:22 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 06.02.2016
Episode 2
"Un-corps" *. From the One of the Symbolic Body to the Pierced Body
By Esthela Solano Suárez
* Misunderstanding between "encore" and "Un-corps"
51:41 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 06.02.2016
Episode 3
"Exhibition". Failure of Standardization?
By Jean-Luc Monnier
21:51 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 06.02.2016
Pierre Naveau