Resonances of Pipol 7
Episode 1
Interview with Sophie Marret-Maleval
By Susan Mc Feely
On the 4th and 5th of July 2015 the 3rd European Congress of Psychoanalysis PIPOL 7 Victim took place in Brussels. Over the two days the delegates heard many interesting reading and testimonies of Victim. Susan Mc Feely spoke with Sophie Marret-Maleval to hear what in particular resonated for her from the congress.
2:20 minutes | Audio in English | Recorded 04.07.2015
Episode 2
Interview with Pierre Sidon
By Susan Mc Feely
Author: Pierre Sidon
On the 4th and 5th of July 2015 the 3rd European Congress of Psychoanalysis PIPOL 7 Victim took place in Brussels. Over the two days the delegates heard many interesting reading and testimonies of Victim. Susan Mc Feely spoke with Pierre Sidon to hear what in particular resonated for him during the congress.
11:07 minutes | Audio in English | Recorded 04.07.2015
Pierre Naveau