Major Conferences of the Midi-Pyrénées ACF: Conference "Evocation of a Third Sex".
On Saturday, December 2nd 2017, Bernard Lecœur shared with the public present in Toulouse (France), the point of his current reflection on the epistemic value of what Lacan evokes in his seminar regarding a third sex. Thanks to the clinical example of transgender children and after a tour of the Freud's work and Lacan's teaching, he developed the importance of this Lacanian research for the contemporary consideration of the issue of sex. Francis Ratier, regional delegate Midi-Pyrénées de l'ACF presented the conference and chaired the debate.
Episode 1
From Freud to Lacan: Contemporary Considerations on Sex
By Bernard Lecœur
Established by: Eduardo Scarone
16:58 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 02.12.2017
Episode 2
Two Remarkable Points: Clothing and Certainty
By Bernard Lecœur
Established by: Eduardo Scarone
21:25 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 02.12.2017
Episode 3
Repairing an Error Made by Nature
By Bernard Lecœur
Established by: Eduardo Scarone
6:34 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 02.12.2017
Episode 4
A Third Sex: a Lacanian Investigation in Progress
By Bernard Lecœur
Established by: Eduardo Scarone
57:22 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 02.12.2017
Pierre Naveau