Second Space Elucidation of School of the ELP. "Lacanian Action of the ELP in Society"
On September 17th 2016 the Second Space Elucidation of School took place at the Ateneo of Madrid. This event was organized by the ELP and was introduced by Santiago Castellanos and Miquel Bassols. Santiago Castellanos presented the theme to be addressed at this encounter: "Lacanian Action of the ELP in Society", considering the Pass and its place in the Lacanian School, which Jacques-Alain Miller called "Lacanian action in society". Miquel Bassols approached the topic by addressing several points regarding Lacanian action in institutions oriented by Lacanian psychoanalysis. After opening the first round-table, which was organized to work in relation to the question: "Brief Treatments: How to Avoid Drifting towards Psychotherapy?" Andrés Borderías, Xavier Esqué, Mónica Marín and Patricia Tessera participated in this round-table, which was coordinated by Antoni Vicens. In the second round-table, the guest-speakers responded with their work to the question"Training of the Analyst and Clinical Formation. What is their Articulation?". It was chaired by Gustavo Dessal, Manuel Fernández Blanco, Araceli Fuentes and Gabriela Medin and it was coordinated by Mercedes de Francisco. In third round-table Eric Zuliani was invited to discuss the experience of the FIPA (Federation of Institutions of Applied Psychoanalysis) in France. He was accompanied by Santiago Castellanos, who introduced this round-table, and by Carmen Cuñat, who provided translation. In the fourth round-table, other guest-speakers attemped to answer the question: "Working in Institutions Oriented by Psychoanalysis, what does it Mean?". This round- table was coordinated by Lucía D'Angelo together with Carmen Cuñat, Eugenio Díaz, Eugenia Insúa, Vicente Palomera and Gracia Viscasillas.
Episode 1
Opening of the Second Space Elucidation of School of the ELP
By Miquel Bassols; Santiago Castellanos
Coordinate: Antoni Vicens; Established by: María del Carmen Conca
32:57 minutes | Audio in Spanish | Recorded 17.09.2016
Episode 2
Brief Treatments: How to Avoid Drifting towards Psychotherapy?
By Antoni Vicens; Mónica Marin; Andrés Borderías; Xavier Esqué; Patricia Tassara
Coordinate: Antoni Vicens; Established by: María del Carmen Conca
72:21 minutes | Audio in Spanish | Recorded 17.09.2016
Episode 3
Training of the Analyst and Clinical Formation. What is their Articulation?
By Gustavo Dessal; Araceli Fuentes; Manuel Fernández Blanco; Gabriela Medin
73:07 minutes | Audio in Spanish | Recorded 17.09.2016
Episode 4
To Make the Hypotheses of the Unconscious in the Social Exist: the Experience of the ECF
By Éric Zuliani
Established by: María del Carmen Conca; Presentation: Santiago Castellanos
24:21 minutes | Audio in Spanish | Recorded 17.09.2016
Episode 5
Working in Institutions Oriented by Psychoanalysis, What does it Mean?
By Carmen Cuñat; Vicente Palomera; María Eugenia Insúa; Eugenio Díaz; Gracia Viscasillas
Established by: María del Carmen Conca; Coordinate: Lucía D'Angelo
83:32 minutes | Audio in Spanish | Recorded 17.09.2016
Pierre Naveau