"Princess Wanted" by Ana Rossetti
Vilma Coccoz comments on a story written by the Spanish author Ana Rossetti. The title of the story gives an idea of what it is: "A Princess wanted ". It is the contemporary story of an inhibited author who must take Andersen’s suite and write a story from the sentence: "Once upon a time a Princess..." But this man has nothing to say. It is a hilarious story that brings on stage the author’s secretary and the secretary’s mother, who gives "her" ideas of how to recruit a Princess. To her surprise the secretary realizes that she is the Princess... of her mother's, and that she has not found love. In this story there is no Prince charming, but an impotent man who cannot name a woman... Since "The" Princess, in the same way that 'The' woman does not exist. Vilma Coccoz is a psychoanalyst in Madrid, AME of the PLA and a member of the WAP. She is a teacher at the NUCEP of the ICF. Edition: Vanessa Sudreau and Omaira Meseguer.
Episode 1
"Princess Wanted" by Ana Rossetti
By Vilma Coccoz
15:54 minutes | Audio in Spanish | Recorded 27.10.2014
Pierre Naveau